1953 - 2023 / Since 70 years, protagonists of the territory!

The winery of Mendrisio

Taste and buy. In our wine shop you will find all the wines of the Gialdi and Brivio brands. A unique opportunity to get to know our products.

You can taste some of our wines with small samples before buying the ones you like best.
You can also take advantage of our advice. Our qualified staff are at your disposal to answer your questions and give you the best advice.

With the exception of Sundays and public holidays, our shop is open from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 18.00.
The Vinothek is also open on Saturday mornings from 09.00 to 13.00.

How to reach us

To reach us, exit the motorway at Mendrisio and follow the main road in the direction of Lugano.
After the Vignalunga on the right you will find Via Vignoo (a sign indicates the entrance).

Contact us